This is typical of the churches of Nova Scotia, and I presume that this will look familiar to people from New England. We don't have churches like this in Arizona. I was lucky, as we drove past this church the sky was a flat gray, but by the time I walked around looking for detailed photo opportunities, the sun emerged and the sky changed and offered to contrast to the white siding.

My husband, Dave, was not able to join me on my recent trip with friends to Nova Scotia. When I talked to him on the phone, I said because he missed the chance to take a photo through two windows on both sides of the church to the graveyard on the other side, I got the shot for him.

The simplicity of the church and its graveyard are timeless.

Our friends had never taken so long to drive from Halifax to their father's place in Cape Breton Island because I kept making them stop for photos, such as this dock at a lobsterman's house.

The lobsterman was doing some chores around his house, probably getting ready for a long winter. He did not look too happy that we were walking around taking photos.

Of course I had to get a shot of the lobster traps. We don't see those in Arizona.
i live in new england and i find there is quite a difference in our architecture and the architecture of nova scotia though i can't really describe what that difference is.
I'm loving that window shot!
No lobster traps in AZ? Wow! Love the church photos. That was good for Kim and Doug to stop along the way to learn a little more about this area.
I'm like Jarart -- love the double window image.
I love those American/Canadian churches and yes, very New England-good to see them in New Scotland too!
Chrissy at Manchester: a photo a day at Mancunian Wave
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