This sadhu had come to the banks of the Ganges River in Varanasi, the holiest site for Hindus.

This woman had gathered Ganges River water in her pot. Some who make pilgrimages to Varanasi bring their own containers for water. Others purchase one gallon plastic jugs sold by vendors near the river.

A man prays at a temple along the Ganges Riverbank at sunrise.

Rugs are laid out to dry along the river bank, with a sadhu's pitchfork painted on a wall.

To Hindus, the Ganges Riverbank in Varanasi is similar to Mecca for Muslims or St. Peter's Square for Roman Catholics. All Hindus want to make pilgrimages to Varanasi. Here you see the devout bathing in the river at sunrise.

Every night there is a ceremony to put the Ganges River to sleep. People gather on the river bank for a ceremony. Up and down the river bank near this ceremony are small fires surrounded by men who have gathered for the cremation of relatives in the small fires. Women do not attend the cremations. After cremation, the ashes are placed in the river. This last photo is worth enlarging as it looks like an epic painting from days gone by.
These are gorgeous pictures from an interesting place to visit!
What a great travel blog. The people bathing in the river during the cremation fires is so interesting. I'm looking forward to following and learning about other places you have traveled to.
You've captured the divine & holy place of India, very beautifully!
"This last photo is worth enlarging as it looks"
I beg your pardon, but they're all worth enlarging!!!
Varanasi! A place I've not visited yet, although I've been twice in India... Wonderful shots! I especially like the two portraits and the night shot. Just gorgeous!
सुन्दर - beautiful.
Not many times being so out of words. Thank you for sharing.
I've learned so much from this. Thank you.
Great pics. I will be visiting Varanasi on 30th. It will be interesting.
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