Sunday, November 9, 2014

Bhutan Perspectives

Here are some scenes of life in the tiny Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan.  Prayer flags and temples are prominent features of everyday life in a country that has preserved its culture.
People wore colorful boots to a festival.  We liked the boots so much we bought a pair of the boots to display in our house.
The pedestrian bridges over rivers provide a good place to string Buddhist prayer flags.
As a country in the Himalayas, there is little flat land for agriculture and livestock.  Terraced hillsides are common to add to the amount of tillable terrain.
Bhutanese license plates include the local language.  Bhutan is the only country on earth whose capitol city does not have a single traffic light.  The installed a light once a few years ago at the main intersection, but there were so many accidents on the first morning that the King had the light removed and they continue to have a policeman to direct traffic at taht location.

1 comment:

glenda said...

Very interesting country and photos are informative. No traffic lights, wow.

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